Resensi Buku | Beautifully Provocative “Future Minds”
Judul: Future Minds: How The Digital Age Is Changing Our Minds, Why This Matters, And What We Can Do About It | Penulis: Richard Watson | Penerbit : Nicholas Brealey Publishing | Bahasa : Inggris | Cetakan : I, Oktober 2010 | Tebal: 213 halaman | Harga: Rp 212.400 ( | ISBN : 978-1-85788-549-1
“We’re rocketing into the digital age at breakneck speed: a culture of rapid response with no time for reflection or focus. Losing the ability to think in a deep, creative way, we are in danger of raising a new generation that has plenty of answers but few good questions : the Screenagers.”
Pemikiran Watson yang dituangkan ke dalam buku ini begitu menarik. Ia merangkai prediksi masa depan dari fenomena-fenomena digital yang terjadi dalam kehidupan manusia masa kini. Garis besar...